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PSUT has emerged in the past six years as a centre of excellence in ICT education, research and innovation and a model of the future university in Jordan. It was established in 1991 as a non-for profit academic arm of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), which is considered as the only comprehensive applied research centre in Jordan. PSUT has a long track record in scientific cooperation with Europe in a number of FP7, Tempus and Erasmus Mundus projects and with close links with many European universities. PSUT strives to become a nucleus for a modern Jordanian knowledge industry, which actively animates the process of socio-economic and cultural development locally, regionally and globally. PSUT aims at supplying Jordanian, regional and global societies with technically and scientifically qualified ICT graduates and with solid applied research work. PSUT has been actively involved in the eLearning domain where it has led an initiative to promote online engineering in Jordan.
The University of Jordan was established in 1962, since then it has applied itself to research and community research knowledge. The University of Jordan offers 63 international programs at the undergraduate level, and 130 international programs at the graduate level in all field of specialization. It offers 30 doctoral programs and 81 master programs. The essential components of most of the programs offered are based on dialogue, applied research, creative thinking, field work, practical training, combined with modern teaching techniques. Since its establishment in 1974, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology has always strived for keeping up with the latest developments in energy applications. Recently, the The University of Jordan merged the Energy Center with water and environment center. It meant to be the source of knowledge and advanced technology in all forms and areas of energy and environment at all levels of national, regional and global. The center focuses on the themes of saving energy, renewable energies and the environmental impact.
The Hashemite University was established in 1991 a four-year coeducational institution committed to excellence in teaching and research. Its grand mission is to offer service and consultation to the local community in addition to the larger society, and to be a cornerstone in the accumulative efforts with other sister universities in Jordan to enhance academic cooperation between Jordan and Arab nations and between Jordan and the world. HU actively participates in achieving the goals of the comprehensive national development through preparing men and women who are not only technically competent in their professional fields, but also life-long learners who have a breadth vision, loyalty to their nation, and a sense of civic and moral responsibility and a devotion to the fundamental values of human life. HU is The total number of students in HU currently stands at 20,000 distributed over 11 faculties.
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was established in 2000. The mission of ENQA is to contribute significantly to the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of European HE at a high level, and to act as a major driving force for the development of quality assurance across all the Bologna signatory countries. It is part of ENQA’s mission to support the establishment and development of QA systems corresponding to the ESG in countries where such systems do not exist.  ENQA is a membership association which represents its members at the European level and internationally. ENQA members are quality assurance organisations from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) member states that operate in the field of higher education.ENQA covers a wide range of QA issues and has a broad knowledge and expertise on QA in Europe. ENQA disseminates information, experiences and good practice in QA and its activities are designed to facilitate the implementation of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MoHE) assumes the responsibility of supervising and having control over public and private higher education institutions, in addition to promoting the level of higher education in order to align and keep pace with developments witnessed by higher education sector in the world, humanitarian and environmental needs as well as expectations as a whole. The Ministry worked on developing several international programs aiming at supporting its work as well as the sector as a whole. Given the developments that took place in the sector of higher education in Jordan, laws and regulations that govern the work of the sector required a reconsideration in order to maintain the quality of higher education outputs and supporting universities autonomy. In the area of developing the institutional performance, the Ministry is recently working on restudying its strategic plan and developing it and building the organizational structure.
Higher Education Accreditation Commission (HEAC) aims to advance quality and equity in higher education in Jordan whether in assessment, ranking, or conducting valid, reliable, and unbiased testing services. It also strives to improve the status of higher education in the Kingdom; assuring its quality; motivating higher education institutions to open up to and interact with universities, scientific research institutions, and international accreditation and quality control commissions; and developing higher education by employing internationally-comparable standards. HEAC will contribute to quality assurance of Jordanian higher education institutions in providing consultations, expertise, and technical support in areas of qualitative assessment of learning outcomes, testing and measurement, evaluation tools, software and techniques, and professional training of faculty and employees through conducting specialized workshops and seminars.
University of Turku is a multidisciplinary scientific university. Expertise of seven faculties ranges from humanities to natural sciences and business. UTU is recognised for the quality of teaching, research and excellent student support services. It emphasizes meaning of lifelong learning and societal interaction and promotes projects tackling challenges like commercialization of university expertise and working life approach of studies. With 21 000 students and 3 500 employees it is one of the major universities in Finland. The responsible unit is the Brahea Centre for Training and Development. It has 80 employees, 12 000 adult students. The Centre is the expert organisation of lifelong learning bridging scientific research and practical life for professional and human growth. The Centre offers academic adult education and promotes personal, organisational and regional development.
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (AHU) is a Jordanian public university that seeks excellence in quality education, research and community service. It is keen to participate in the national development by graduating highly qualified students and positively interacting with local communities and human culture within futuristic vision that concentrates on quality, excellence and current era necessities. AHU has signed several agreements with EU universities. AHU also involved in TEMPUS projects such as the project entitled: New curricula in Management of services activities and Technology, and improvement of quality process of teachings and services to students.
Yarmouk University (YU) which was established in 1976, now contains 12 faculties, and these faculties hold 55 majors in Bachelor programs, 63 in Master programs and 18 in PhD programs with 33000 students.  YU has joint postgraduate programs with some European Universities including an MSc in Health Services Management in collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, an MSc in Information Technology Management, UK, and an ICT Diploma with collaboration with the University of Inholland. YU has also a rich experience in conducting research with cooperation with many European institutions including eight TEMPUS projects.
AQU Catalunya  is the main instrument for the promotion and assurance of quality in the Catalan higher education system. The purpose of AQU Catalunya is the assessment, accreditation and certification of quality in the sphere of the universities and higher education centres of Catalunya. AQU Catalunya is full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and has been one of the first three agencies to be included in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). AQU is also member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), the Spanish Network of Spanish Quality Assurance Agencies (REACU) and the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA). AQU Catalunya was the first European quality agency to be ISO certified.
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi is the first Italian Open University recognized by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR M.D. March 2004). USGM adopts innovating learning modalities by developing suitable research strategies for most advanced technological solutions and by integrating online communication tools (e.g. videoconference) with traditional activities. Presently, USGM community has more than 14.000 students enrolled in graduate and postgraduate programs, 300 faculty members and an academic advising team which comprises than 200 experts. USGM founded the GUIDE Association (with over 100 HEIs & institutions worldwide) with the aim to strengthen international cooperation about open and distance learning and which publishes FORMAMENTE, an Academic Journal about emerging ICT (
The Association of Arab Universities is a non-governmental organization that has an independent legal character. Its membership includes 223 Arab Universities at the present time. AARU aims at assisting and coordinating efforts of Arab universities to prepare capable persons who can serve their communities and preserve its unified culture and civilization, as well as to assist in developing its natural resources. The Association seeks to achieve the several goals including working to make Arab universities remain faithful and committed to the values inherent in the faith of Islam and its noble message, and to give due attention to the Arab and Islamic heritage. In addition, AARU strives to make Arabic language the medium of instruction at Arab universities, and paying attention to other vital languages, as well as unifying scientific terms and translation in general.
A state-of-the art technological university with a highly innovative learning model, providing a benchmark for quality in both teaching and R&D. This is the philosophy of the UOC, created in 1994 as one of the world’s very first completely online higher education establishments, which currently has more than 60,000 students. UOC’s core mission is to be the university of the knowledge society, promoting innovative education, personalised learning, technological leadership, R&D work on the information society and e-learning. The eLearn Center is the international research, innovation and training center of UOC, specializing in the experience of e-learning. The centre’s goals include working to maintain the UOC’s leadership in the field of e-learning and to make the research carried out at the centre an international benchmark; to contribute to the understanding and social recognition of e-learning; and to promote good practices in the use of ICT to improve teaching and learning processes