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08.Princess Sumaya University for Technology08.Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Professor Al-Zoubi received his BSc and PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Nottingham, UK, in 1983 and 1987 respectively. He is a member of IEEE, Vice President of the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE), Vice President and co-founder of the International eLearning Association (IELA), member of the International Mobile Learning Association and Co-Editor of the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET). He is actively involved in research in the field of virtual engineering and remote labs and has vast experience in EU projects.
08.Princess Sumaya University for Technology08.Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Professor Mohammad Mismar received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Iowa State University, USA, in 1979, 1981, and 1982, respectively. He joined the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan in 1983. He worked as the Vice-President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology from September 2003 till June 2007. He was appointed as a member of the Higher Education Accreditation Commission from June 2007 till January 2010. Currently, he is Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Vice-President at the Hashemite University. He served on several boards and committees. His areas of interest cover digital filter design and signal processing.
06.Hashemite University06.Hashemite University
Bashar received B.S. degree from University of Jordan in 1997, M.S. degree from University of Texas at Arlington in 2003, both in Mechanical Engineering, and PhD in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia Tech (VT) in 2008. He received the Graduate Teaching Fellowship at VT in 2007. He focused on solar energy in his undergraduate study and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) in his postgraduate research. He joined the Hashemite University (HU) as an assistant professor in the Mechatronics Engineering Department. His current teaching and research interests are in solar photovoltaic systems, and energy harvesters. He served as assistant dean and is currently the director of Academic Quality Assurance Center at HU since February 2011. He is the contact person (at HU) for two Tempus projects; EQuAM and T-MEDA, and a member of the scientific committee of another Tempus project; MUREE. 
06.Hashemite University06.Hashemite University
Dr. Ahmad Al-Khasawneh is an associate professor of computer information systems. He holds the PhD and M.Sc. of information and software systems and technology from Newcastle University, Australia and B.S in computer and automatic control engineering. Dr. Khasawneh has 22 years of experience in ICT field and in ICT applications and acts as technical advisor to the Royal Jordanian Airlines (NDC Jordan) director on issues related to the development of travel industry and ICT strategy. Prior to joining the Hashemite University of Jordan, he held several key positions with major international ICT consultancy and solutions firms and lecturer in IT related topics at Newcastle University, Australia. One of his key positions is the founder and director of eLearning center and currently, he is the dean of the Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II for Information Technology at Hashemite University.
06.Hashemite University06.Hashemite University

Haneen Hijazi is Computer Lab Supervisor at Prince Al-Hussein bin Abdullah II Faculty of Information Technology at Hashemite University, Jordan. She is pursuing research on the fundamental principles of Software Engineering with an emphasis on projects and risk management, quality assurance, e-learning, neural networks, decision support systems and natural language processing. She holds a M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering from Al-balqa Applied University and B.Sc. degree in Software Engineering from the Hashemite University, Jordan, in 2006.

12.European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education12.European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Maria Kelo is currently serving as the Director of the Secretariat of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and has a wide range of experience related to higher education. Her tasks within ENQA include: management of the ENQA Secretariat, act as Secretary to the ENQA Board, support and coordinate ENQA member agencies, manage projects, and represent the Association. She has previously worked as Senior Officer for the Academic Cooperation Association where was actively involved as an expert in Higher education policy developments and reforms at national and European level (Bologna, ET2010); higher education internationalisation and international cooperation; mobility; student services and attractiveness of European higher education; trans-national education. Maria is currently actively involved in quality assurance in higher education, European Higher Education area and the Bologna process, and internationalisation of higher education.

12.European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education12.European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Anaïs Gourdin is working as Project and Finance Officer for the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) since June 2014. Anaïs has joined ENQA in 2012, first as a trainee and then as Administrative Assistant. Anaïs studied foreign languages applied to international affairs and project management and is a graduate of the Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne (2006-2009) and Aix-Marseille Université (2009/2010-2011/2012). In between her studies, Anaïs worked as a French teaching assistant in a secondary education institute in Italy for 7 months.

02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Professor Al-Dmour's background is in international  marketing and his particular research interests surround the export marketing behavior and services marketing.  He completed university education and received bachelor’s degree Business Management from the University of Jordan in 1983 and MBA degree from the University of Edinburgh in 1986. In 1985, he gained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Sheffield in export marketing behaviour in 1993. In addition of being author of more than 70 scientific articles and 8 books, he is known as an expert in the fields of marketing and quality management of higher education institutions. He served for 4 years as a member of the editorial board of Jordan Journal of Business administration and  for  two years as a member of the editorial board of DIRSAT in  the University of Jordan and as a member  of Accreditation Council of Higher Education Institutions for six years.  Before he becomes as the General Secretary for higher education, he was the   President for University of Jordan- Agaba  Branch, and  he was a Vice-President for the Faculties of Humanities Affairs in 2012 until 2014. 
03.Higher Education Accreditation Commission 03.Higher Education Accreditation Commission

Recently, the president of Higher Education Accreditation Commission. Has attended various conferences and committees related to accreditation and quality assurance of HEI. Setting different manuals for each QA & Accreditation standards.  a Professor of Economics at Jordan University, a graduate of the University of Mississippi, brings a wealth of academic experience and policy research and formulation having served as Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister of Jordan, Head of the Economic Research Department at the Council of Ministers and Economic Expert at the Higher Planning Council at Doha, Qatar, Chairman of Business Economics Department and Vice Dean for graduate studies of the Faculty of Business. Having extensive academic and applied research in poverty, economic reforms, public sector reform, FDI, monetary and fiscal policies, competitiveness and trade.

03.Higher Education Accreditation Commission 03.Higher Education Accreditation Commission

Lana ElFauri has Master Degree in English Language and Literature specialized in Ecocriticism, B.A in English Language and Literature, Diploma in English Language & Literature. Now working in Higher Education Accreditation Commission as Head of Public Relations & Information Section & coordinator. Has participated in various workshops, conferences and projects funded by TEMPUS. Has got many certificates from QAA U.K. JICA Japan, University of Worcester U.K and ICDL (UNESCO)

11.University of Turku11.University of Turku

Timo Halttunen works as a Head of Unit of the Brahea Centre at the University of Turku and an expert in lifelong learning and development of education and curricula. In addition, his professional competencies relate to the development of RPL (recognition of prior learning) and Bologna process and during the various national and international projects he has established relationships to experts and authorities in professional and higher education in Finland and Europe. These are especially important when thinking the wider influence and continuation of the project results. Mr. Halttunen has been consulting educational organisations, companies and non-governmental organisations.

11.University of Turku11.University of Turku

 Tero Keva works as a project manager  in Brahea Centre. His main expertise covers the assessment tools and processes on the recognition of prior learning and curricula development. He is a co-author in the RPL handbook “Recognise the Competence – Recommendations to planning and executing RPL process in HEIs” (published in Finnish). In addition, he has experience in international development projects, universities and regional actors’ co-operation, structural change in the system of higher education and strategy work.

Sample of Article:
University-Business Cooperation and Regional Development in Southwest Finland (Ari Koski and Tero Keva) University-Business Cooperation Tallinn2011, BWV, BERLINER WISSENSCHAFTSVERLAG

11.University of Turku11.University of Turku
Ms. Satu Hakanurmi works as a Head of Development  at Open University/ University of Turku. Ms. Hakanurmi has over 20 year experience in adult education and flexible learning. Her main fields of expertise are online learning, open university studies and digital storytelling. Ms. Hakanurmi has long experience also in project administration and evaluation. She has worked with numerous education-, development- and European Union –projects both at national and at international level. Her publications deal course design, implementation and tutoring of online learning (Suominen, R. & Nurmela, S. Verkko-opettaja. 2011, 2013 and Suominen, R. & Nurmela, S. Become an eTeacher in a Week 2008). Hakanurmi is a PhD student in Faculty of Education and theme of the research is Digital storytelling and Narratives in Learning.
07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University 07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

 Dr. Mahmaod is currently the director of International Relations Department at Al Hussein Bin Talal University he is also an assistant Professor at the department of Business Administration. His Master’s degree was obtained from Glasgow Caledonian University and his PhD from the University of Salford, UK. He presented several papers at international conferences in several countries including the UK, Australia and Germany. During the last three years, he managed to build some expertise in international projects management, such as, TEMPUS and Erasmus   projects.

07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University 07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

Dr Ahmad  is currently the chairman of Admission and Registration Unit at Al Hussein Bin Talal University and an associate professor at  Mechanical Engineering Department. Dr Ahmad, has participated in several international research projects funded by European and American universities, including, the University of  Birmingham - UK,  University of Friberg\ Germany,  Friedrich Alexander University\ Germany, and West Virginial University\ USA. Dr. Ahmad has also worked in none research projects, including, TEMPUS\ SERMANTEQ.

07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University 07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

Associate Professor: Adel Al Khattab is a career academic, specializing in risk management. He is now the Dean of Business Faculty within the Al Hussein Bin Talal University: Jordan. His Master’s degree was obtained from Glasgow Caledonian University / UK and his doctorate from the University of Huddlersfield / UK. His MSc and PhD were concerned with risk management and have resulted in more than 12 refereed articles in internationally ranked journals. Furthermore, he has presented papers at more than 15 international conferences in the UK, Greece, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Tunisia and India. During the last few years he has been awarded two Shields in Association of Distinction for the years 2006 and 2007 from Al-Hussein Bin Talal University and the Excellence in Research Award for Administrative, Financial, Banking and Economic Field from the Ministry of Higher Education / Jordan for the year 2007. In 2009, he has been awarded the Scopus Award from Elsevier as one of the most active authors in the academic world. 

07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University 07.Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

Eng. Oudat work at AHU university acting as head of women department at the Center for Studies, Consultations, & Community Development. Mrs. Oudat, has long experience in women related issues in both local and national level. She has been assigned as a vice president of woman Jordanian federation, furthermore, head of Ma'an woman society. Recently, Oudat has helped in lunching several initiatives regarding women empowerment in the society. Her role in these initiatives includes training AHU female student in communication and leadership skills

05.Yarmouk University05.Yarmouk University

Dr. Khaled Gharaibeh received PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2004 from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.  Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering since 2009, assistant Dean 2008-2009, head of the Telecommunications Engineering Department since 2009, served as a member of various councils and committees including university council, faculty council, Accreditation committee, graduate studies committee and scientific research committee. He is the coordinator of Tempus project 511074-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-JO-JPCR. He has published more than 30 scientific research papers in international journals and conferences and the author of one book: Nonlinear Distortion in Wireless Systems, Wiley.​

13.Agència per la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya13.Agència per la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya

​​Josep Grifoll is an economist with a long experience in QA for HE. Since 1997, he has been working in AQU developing QA processes for programmes and institutions. Since 2008 he is elected member of the Board of ENQA and has been member of the steering committee of the European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) in 2010 and 2011. He has experience in international QA projects and processes within Europe, Latin America and South East Asia; in particular he was member of the coordinating team of TEEP I and TEEP II (transnational evaluation projects for Bachelors and Joint Masters in Europe). Recently, he has been coordinating the third edition of the European Survey of Quality Assurance Processes (Quality procedures in European higher education: Visions for the future) and he has designed a European tool for the assessment of the lifelong learning strategies in HEIs. He is also participating as expert in the establishment of an accreditation system for study programmes in Bosnia & Herzegovina (TEMPUS ESABIH). Josep Grifoll has several publications relating to the assessment of impact in quality assessment.

04.The University of Jordan04.The University of Jordan

​Mamoon Al-Dmour received his Master Degree in Computer Information systems from Arab Academy for Banking And Financial Sciences, Jordan in 2004, and BSc degree in Computer Science From Mutah University, in 2000. He now works at the Computer Center of University of Jordan, as Web developer and designer. He is a certified trainer in many technologies. Mr. Al-Dmour works as lecturer in at University of Jordan and Arabian Group for Training and Education.

10.Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”10.Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”

Arturo Lavalle obtained his degree in Modern Languages and Literatures from the University of Cassino, Italy in 2002. He also received two master degrees, one in Economy and Management of Cultural Heritage from the University Rome – Tor Vergata in 2005 and the other in Project Cycle Management from the CNR, the Italian National Research Council in 2006. He currently leads the International Projects and R&D Office of USGM. He is also involved in the promotion and advance of the Association GUIDE – Global Universities in Distance Education.Among his professional milestones relevant to quality-related topics, it is worth remembering his contribution to the content creation and submission of the Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi electronic European Language Portfolio for adult people which was accredited by the Council of Europe on February 2011 and to the draft of the Technical Specifications Handbook concerning “Fadrive International Certification High Quality for Distance Learning”.

10.Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”10.Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”

Mr Galassi graduated in Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Since 2006 He has been working at USGM in Rome as an expert ICT technician. He managed many Projects in the field of e-learning and worked as Tutor for vocational courses, Tutor FAD, Learning Object expert, Webmaster. He is an expert in the use of databases, HTML programming, SPSS 11 (statistic software), SAP (EPG software); and computer graphics.

10.Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”10.Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”

Monica Fasciani graduated in Oriental Languages at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She worked for several organizations in the “Project management departments” designing; planning; and managing projects funded by the EC (Equal Initiative, Daphne, ERF, DG Public Health), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other national institutions and private donors. She is currently working as Project Manager on projects in the field of ICT applied to education and training and multimedia didactic environments (Erasmus plus programme – EuropeAid).

09.Association of Arab Universities09.Association of Arab Universities

​Professor Sultan Abu-Orabi Al-Adwan received his PhD in Organic Chemistry from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA in 1982, his  MSc in Chemistry,  Western Michigan University, USA in 1977, and his BSc in Chemistry from University of Jordan, Jordan in 1973. He was President of Yarmouk University, Jordan, in the period 2009–2011, President of Tafila Technical University, Jordan, 2005–2009, President of Irbid National University, Jordan, 2002–2005 and was elected Secretary General of Association of Arab Universities in 2011. Professor Abu-Orabi was also President of Arab Union of Chemists,  Secretary General of Arab Union of Chemists  and President of Jordanian Chemical Society, 2000–Present. He has published over 125 papers and 5 books.

05.Yarmouk University05.Yarmouk University
Professor Adnan Atoum received his PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Texas Christian University in 1990 and is currently at Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Yarmouk University, Jordan. He served as Vice President at Yarmouk University in the period 2010-2013 and worked at Sharjah University, University of College of Education-Sultanate of Oman and Al-Albyte University, Jordan. He is Chief-Editor and member of editorial and consultation boards at several research Journals. Professor Atoum has over 80 journal and conference publications and books.​
05.Yarmouk University05.Yarmouk University
Professor Ziad Al-Saad is a Professor of cultural heritage conservation and management at Yarmouk University. He received his Ph.D. in conservation and archaeometry from University of London in 1992. He was Chair of Department of Archaeology in the period 1994-1999, Director of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 1999-2007. He was also  vice president for academic affairs of German-Jordanian University 2008-2010. In 2010 he returned to Yarmouk University as vice president for research and international affairs. He was then appointed as Director General of Department of Antiquities of Jordan 2010-2011. Al-Saad has been very active researcher and managed various international funding agencies including EU, World Banks, USAID and JAICA.​

02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Buthaina Al Share' received her MA in English for Special Purpose and BA in Applied Linguistics from Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), Jordan in 2005 and 2002 respectively. She is the Head of Policy and Planning Unit (2014) and she was the Head of Projects Monitoring Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (2012-2013) where she is responsible for following-up with all international projects supervised by the ministry and foreign organizations such as: the World Bank, UNDP-Jordan, European Union, CIDA, SIAST, UNESCO, Pearson, etc. Previously she worked at the Secretary General's Office for (5) subsequent years (2007-2012) where main duties of her are: preparing presentations, papers, concept papers, reports, proposals, articles, studies about higher education, on behalf of the Minster and Secretary General. She is also assuming the tasks of reviewing studies, aide memoires and papers submitted by the international organizations and concluding views and recommendations thereon and propose the necessary actions to be taken. She has been involved in the work of (11) committees and as a focal point with (7) local and international entities.

02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

​Mohammed Al Zoboun holds PhD in Measurement and Evaluations from Yarmouk University in 2007.  He completed university education and received Master degree from the Yarmouk University ​in Jordan in 2001 and bachelor’s degree Mathematics from Yarmouk University in Jordan in 1991.Work Experience and his positionTo date 19/8/2014 Director of Recognition Equivalence Certify.

02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 02.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Holds a Master's Degree in English Translation from Yarmouk University, Jordan. He joined MoHE in 2008 as an Administrative at the Department of Recognition of Non-Jordanian Higher Education Institutions and Certificates' Equivalency. His work scope involved making research on worldwide universities, translating important information from websites and brochures, and providing all necessary information with respect to recognition of higher education institutions. In 2014, he started working as an Administrative at the Secretariat of Higher Education Council (HEC) with the duty of following-up with Jordanian public and private universities on the implementation of decisions made by the HEC and its related committees, in line with the applicable policies, strategies and regulations. 

04.The University of Jordan04.The University of Jordan

Ahmad Kheraisat received his BSc in Management Information systems from Arab Academy for Banking And Financial Sciences, Jordan in 2012,and a BSc degree in Computer Science from Al-Neilen University, Sudan in 2003. He now works at the Computer Center of University of Jordan, as MIS Team Leader.and Web developer.

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