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The project’s coordination has recently been moved from Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT). The latter will thereof assumes management and coordination responsibilities of eQTeL until its end.
Princess Sumaya University for Technology hosted a meeting in the period 17-18 March 2015 for baseline analysis and capacity building. Emphasizes were on the need to enhance and consolidate cooperation between Jordanian universities and their European counterparts and to improve the quality of technology-enhanced learning in Jordanian universities. Pilot courses were selected, committees formed and future activities planned.
The kick-off meeting was hosted by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in the period 10-12 March 2014. Participants were welcomed by Dr. Marta Aymerich, Vice-rector for Research and Strategic Planning, Mr. John Zvereff, Director, International Development and Dr. Christine Appel, Director, eLearn Center. An overview of the project was presented, and activities were planned ahead.
The mid-term project meeting was held at the Higher Education Accreditation Commission on 12 May 2015 and at Princess Sumaya University for Technology on 13 May 2015.   The progress of the project as well as future planning were discussed thoroughly.
Professor Ahmad Abu-EI-Haija, Director, National Tempus Office, Jordan, and Ms. Reem Alkhader, National Tempus Office, Jordan, visited Princess Sumaya University for Technology on 7 June  2015 to monitor the progress of eQTeL.
A team from Jordanian partner institutions have received training by AQU and UOC in Barcelona in the period 15-17 June 2015 on guiding HEIs to conduct self-study preparing for external assessment visits, act on the recommendations of assessment reports, initiate and sustain quality culture, publication of guidelines and handbooks, training quality managers of institutions on eLearning and distance teaching standards.
A team from Jordanian partner institutions have received by Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi in Rome in the period 21-23 July 2015 on eLearning methodologies, usability, contents, quality assurance practices and standards, use of ICT on the application of quality criteria, and assessment and feedback processes.
A teams from Jordanian partner’s institutions has  made a study tour to  ENQA  in the period of 6-9 September 2015 that included the Flemish Inter-university Council as well as the European Commission. The focus of the tour was on guiding HEIs to integrate the national accreditation system with online learning provision and experiences with the pedagogical method for online courses.

A Jordanian team  has participated in the study tour to University of Turku in Turku, Finland in the period 24-30 August 2015 on internal and external quality assurance as well as experiences on the management of e-Learning.

A teams from Jordanian and European partner’s institutions attended a Sustainability Plan Meeting at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in the period of 26-27 October 2015 . The focus of the meeting was on preparing a sustainability plan, finalizing the eLearning courses and preparing the final recommendations on the Jordanian QA framework for technology-enhanced learning.
A delegation from Jordanian partner institutions was hosted by UOC in the period  9-10 February 2016 in order to produce the recommendations for the QA framework of technology-enhanced learning in Jordan. Participants also discussed progress in pilot courses, establishment of the eLearning centre and feedback on the intermediate report.
The design of the three pilot e-courses have been completed and the English skills course is currently being delivered at Yarmouk University with over 180 students’ enrollment. In addition the communication engineering lab is currently being delivered at Princes Sumaya University for Technology with over 46 students’ enrollment. The renewable energy course will be delivered online next semester.
​A group of EU experts visited HEAC in the period 25-26 May 2016 to offer training to its staff and evaluation experts on issues related to quality assurance of eLearning programmes and courses. The training sessions were held as an activity of the Tempus project entitled: “Enhancing Quality of Technology-Enhanced Learning at Jordanian Universities, EQTeL” which is coordinated by PSUT. 
A team representing Jordanians partner institutions was hosted by AQU in the period 17-20/7/2016 to discuss the latest developments in the project as well as the role of advisory comittee in the sustainability plan and eLearning centre.
A 25-membr delegation representing 7 higher education institutions in Jordan made a tour visit to Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”, Rome, Italy in the period 2-5 October 2016. Participants discussed with European counterparts the progress made in delivering online courses in Jordanian universities along with the challenges and opportunities to improve quality assurance measures associated with their design and delivery to large number of students.
The EQTeL consortium has made a decision, during the Rome meeting hosted by USGM in the period 3-5 October 2016, to hold the final dissemination conference of the project at Princess Sumaya University for Technology in the period 8-9 May 2017.
A meeting at PSUT to prepare for the establishment of the E-learning centre that will be hosted by the university as an important outcome of the project.
Top-management delegation from Jordan makes a visit to Turku University, Finland in the period 2-4 November 2016 to discuss issues related to pedagogical support for facuty members in technology-enhanced learning and teaching at universities.
A team from Jordan made a visit to Open University of Catalonia, Spain, in the period 12-14 December 2016 to prepare and ratify a best practice dissemination manual in addition to discuss other matters including the liaison between ENQA and the ministry of higher education in Jordan.
A preparatory meeting for the project’s final dissemination conference was held at Princess Sumaya University for Technology on 8 January 2017. An initial plan of the conference’s programme which will be held at the PSUT campus on the period 8-9 May 2017 was prepared.
Jordanian university representatives held a meeting at Princess Sumaya University for Technology on 7 February 2017 in order to discuss the project progress, particularly the piloting of the 3 courses which are being taught at the partner universities. Participants have also prepared a plan of activities until the end of the project which is expected to conclude on 31 May 2017.
A visit was made by a Jordanian team to Turku University, Finland, during the period from 27 February to 2 march 2017. The objective of the visit was to train a team on various aspects of online course development. The experience on instructional design was given by experts from the University of Turku and Open University of Catalunya. In addition, the Jordanian team presented their experience on developing various courses through the EQTeL Project.
A team from Jordanian partner institutions attended a meeting at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in the period  16-17 March 2017. The meeting discussed various aspects of the project including the final report and the final conference.
Professor Ahmad Abu-EI-Haija, Director, National Erasmus+ Office, Jordan, and Ms. Reem Alkhader visited Princess Sumaya University for Technology on 13 March 2017 to monitor the progress of EQTeL for the second time.
A Jordanian team has participated in a study tour to Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy, in the period 26-28 April 2017. Progress in courses implementation at Jordanian partner universities have been discusses during deliberations, in addition to pedagogical and technological aspects pertaining to virtual labs design and instructional design models as well as sample cases at Marconi University.
The EQTeL final dissemination conference was held at Princess Sumaya University for Technology on 8 May 2017 with the participation of over 180 experts, educators, business and higher education stakeholders.
Professor Adel Twieisi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, led a delegation to ENQA where he met Ms. Antoaneta Angelova-Krasteva, Director for Innovation, International Cooperation and Sport and other high ranking officer at the European Commission on 16 May 2017. The delegation consisted of the Presidents of Princess Sumaya university, Yarmouk University, Hashemite University and Al-Hussein Bi Tala University. The delegation also met with ENQA officials.