

The following are some interesting links to projects, initiatives and agencies that may somehow be related to eQTeL. 

Enhancing the Quality of Distance Learning at Western Balkan Higher Education Institutions

The DL@WeB Tempus project aims to improve the quality and relevance of distance education at Western Balkan higher education institutions and to enable easier inclusion of partner country institutions into European Higher Education Area. Its main objective is to improve, develop and implement accreditation standards, guidelines and procedures for quality assurance of DL study programs at national system levels in WB countries. Those standards will assimilate the quality of DL courses offered by higher education institutions in WB countries.


Development of the eLearning and Distance Learning Courses and Assessment in Biomedical Sciences in the Southern Caucasus

The MSc programme in Medical Molecular Biology was set up in 2011 by the University of Westminster and is the first international collaborative award in this discipline, bringing together six Southern Caucasian universities and two European universities, led by the University of Westminster. The project uses an innovative learning approach combining a mixture of IT-based and digital technologies with conventional teaching methods with the aim to foster knowledge exchange in teaching and research in the Medical Molecular Biology field.


rESeau maghrébIn de LaboratoirEs à Distance

This eSience project is coordinated by the University of Bordeaux 1 and associates 16 academic and industrial partners from Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, France, Greece, Austria and Romania. It aims to swarm three remote measurements laboratories in the Maghreb, allowing students to make remote experiments and to network for efficient sharing of hardware resources. The project also aims to create educational resources updated and posted online and to implement an LMS that hosts educational resources such as auto testing patches and links with eLab.


Blending Academic and Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Technology Enhanced Learning

The wider objective of this project is to foster partnerships between higher education (HE) institutions and enterprises by blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge within BAEKTEL, an OER (Open Educational Resources) network, where course materials by HE institutions and best practice examples by enterprise experts will be published in different languages, ultimately promoting the concepts of life-long learning and virtual mobility.


Toolkit for Harnessing Quality Assurance Processes for Technology Enhanced Learning

The Toolkit developed by the QA-QE SIG provides a framework and a set of tools that are based around standard quality assurance procedures in higher education which can be used when employing technology in teaching, learning and assessment (Technology Enhanced learning-TEL). It is designed to address the broad continuum of patterns of modes of study in TEL courses from blended courses to fully online distance courses.


QAA and Technology Enhanced Learning

The UK Quality Code for Higher Education (the Quality Code) sets out the Expectations that all providers of UK higher education are required to meet. QAA is an example of a QA agency which deals with issues related to QA in technology-enhanced learning.​​