Tuesday 09/05/2017
High-Level Peer Learning Roundtable on Technology-Enhanced Learning for Jordan
The objective of the high-level peer learning roundtable on technology-enhanced learning for Jordan is to bring together stakeholders in Jordan, and experts from the European Union, to explore the potential and challenges for the use of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) across the curricula in Jordanian universities. Key themes will be covered, each will be introduced by a high-level expert and participants will then be invited to exchange views, experiences, and to consider organisational issues and strategies needed for the widespread adoption of TEL:
• The current landscape of TEL: global trends, opportunities, new developments. What is happening with TEL across education systems? What are the leading technologies? How are they being used? What teaching and learning approaches are being developed?
• Higher education policy challenges of TEL. How does national policy adapt to enable TEL? What support can be put in place for institutions to adopt TEL? How can teaching staff be provided with the competencies and skills to develop effective TEL?
• Institutional challenges of TEL. How can teaching and learning policies move from dominantly face-to face learning to TEL? What institutional changes are needed? What investment strategies are needed?
• Quality assurance challenges of TEL. How can national QA systems adapt to measure the effectiveness of TEL? How can accreditation systems evaluate proposals for TEL? How can the value for students be measured?
10:00-10:30 Current Landscape of eLearning
Adiy Tweisi, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan
Christina Appel, UOC, Spain
10:30-11:00 Higher Education Policy Challenges of TEL
Abdelrahim Al-Hunaiti, Member of Higher Education Council, Jordan
Timo Halttunen, University of Turku, Finland
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:00 Institutional Challenges of TEL
Thafer Al-Sarayreh, Mutah University, Jordan
Arturo Lavalle, Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”, Italy
12:00-12:30 Quality Assurance Challenges of TEL
Maria Kelo, ENQA, Belgium
Afrah Ghonmyeen, Tajseer Intellectual, Jordan
12:00-12:30 Open Discussion
Moderated by Mark Brown, National Institute for Digital Learning, Ireland
12:30-14:00 Lunch